Game of Thrones posters by LiquidSoulDesign

The ADDITIONAL 30 Days of Guild Wars 2

Day 60. – Add a question you feel like you want to answer (and see others answer to, perhaps). I will answer any that I can find. πŸ™‚

-If Your Characters belonged in another fandom, what would they be in it? (ex. Hogwarts House, etc)-

Hehe, this is one I’ve been looking forward too. As anyone who follows my personal blog is already painfully aware of, I am a HUGE A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones fan. And yes, I have thought about which houses my GW2 characters would fit in (I kinda even want to write a stupid little AU where my characters exist in Westeros). Unfortunately tumblr has a 10 picture limit.

Not shown:

Naturalist Veer: House Stark Winter is Coming

Specterist Krett: House Tyrell Growing Strong

Drafter Corrin: House Baratheon Ours is the Fury

I don’t have any Targaryens.

The ADDITIONAL 30 Days of Guild Wars 2

Day 58. – Show some love to the GW2 Tumblr community, andΒ  recommend some of your favorite GW2 blogs.

There are many great GW2 blog out there. But I have to give a shout out to the one that inspired me to create Memoirs in the first place. I know it’s pretty popular, but if you haven’t yet, got check out Zznaf at Snaff Savant!

Day 59. – Recommend something fun to do in-game! It can be anything from a specific kind of dungeon run to Rata Sum wall surfing. πŸ™‚

You know, sometimes just going to a high populated map and lurking in the map chat can be fun. Obviously not going to work every time, but I have read some actually interesting conversations before. It’s just one more way GW2 is not like WoW.

The ADDITIONAL 30 Days of Guild Wars 2

Day 56. – Let’s get creative: if you could create a new profession, what would it be like? (Realism & plausibility be damned, let your imagination fly!)

Oh god I dunno. I think we need a third heavy armor class. And maybe one that’s pet based? Medium has rangers and light has necromancers. Maybe some sort of warhound or kennelmaster class? Pfff, I dunno.

Day 57. – What would be your Number 1 pick for a new playable race (again, doesn’t have to be plausible)?


The ADDITIONAL 30 Days of Guild Wars 2

Day 55. – Have you read the novels written to close some of the gap between GW1 and GW2 (Ghost of Ascalon, Edge of Destiny)?

I have, I have read both of those and have Sea of Sorrows waiting for me once I finish Primordium. Yea…they were, how should I put this…pretty terrible.

GoA is better than EoD, as many have said, but that doesn’t means it’s a masterpiece. I place it squarely in the “okay” bin. EoD was absolute dreck. I only muscled through it to get more of the game’s backstory. The dialogue was terrible, the pacing was at breakneck speed, the characterization was flat, the foreshadowing was as subtle as a ton of bricks, and it just read as an author micromanaged by the powers that be to hit certain plot points (and there were a lot) in the space of a few hundred pages rather than to tell an actual story. EoD should have been a trilogy and written by an author with the backbone to tell management to fuck off and let him write. Also in this perfect world Karen Traviss should have stayed away from the Star Wars and Halo franchises but there I go dreaming again.

The ADDITIONAL 30 Days of Guild Wars 2

Day 54. – If the game mechanics allowed you to side with the Nightmare Court, the Inquest, the Bandits, the Flame Legion, or the Sons of Svanir, would you?

No. I mean it would be a cool mechanic (who hasn’t wanted to join Team Rocket?) and normally I like the bad guys. But the villain groups in GW2 are very far removed from my sympathies. I am honestly not even comfortable when I see Court and Inquest guilds around in the game. People are free to play what they want, but I don’t want to get involved.

The ADDITIONAL 30 Days of Guild Wars 2

Day 52. – Do you costume brawl? Which are your favorite / least favorite forms?

Nope, it always seems like a huge cluster fuck so I never bothered.

Day 53. – What are your impressions on the living story so far?

So far it’s been pretty interesting, I think it’s a neat idea to keep the world alive without having to charge for box expansions for the changes.


Guild Wars 2 Legendary Weapons I designed

The ADDITIONAL 30 Days of Guild Wars 2

Day 51. – Do you have legendaries or are you going to get any? Which one(s)?

No and no actually. Once upon a time I was interested in Sunrise for Tarnn, but then the SAB weapons skins came out and I felt like that fit him a lot better. Most of the other ones I like only match characters that can’t use them (ie Bolt for Sanna). Then there is the the Predator and Juggernaut, they would work on my warrior but… I don’t feel strong enough about my warrior to invest that amount of time and energy in one of them (sorry Aiita). Maybe once there are new legendary weapons or professions get new weapon sets I might go for a legendary.

The ADDITIONAL 30 Days of Guild Wars 2

Day 49. – Which dragon(s) do you like best / least?

I’m having a hard time answering this one. How can you rank something when so much about them is still a mystery? It’s not like the Elder Dragons are characters in their own right (I can’t even call them antagonists, they’re just obstacles). I guess I’m reduced to saying that I’m interested in all of them and I would like to learn more.