30 Day Guild Wars 2 Challenge

Day 06 — Your favorite renown heart(s)?

I am going to have to say that my favorite heart is “Learn the ways of the kodan” in Frostgorge Sound. First of all, Blue Ice Shining is the first sanctuary ship I set foot on and I loved looking around the new environment. The heart is a nice introduction to the kodan and their way of thinking with the riddles you have to answer and the books you can read. Plus it’s always nice to have a heart where you won’t risk getting attacked, so even under leveled characters can do it!

30 Day Guild Wars 2 Challenge

Day 03 — A Class you are awful at playing?

I have played every class at this point, two to 80 and the rest are in their 30s. And out of all of them, I would say the thief I’m the worst at. Which sucks because I love stealth gameplay. Poor Jyrra is so squishy so far and the shadowstep weapon abilities I just don’t understand how to use. Maybe I’ll get better with practice, but I don’t really look forward to leveling Jyrra. Sad because when I was still interested primarily with charr, Jyrra was the first asura character I thought of. :c

GW2 30 Day Challenge

Day 1 — Your First Character

Aeromage Sanna was the first character I made for GW2 and still remains one of my favorites. A bit of back story, I was interested in GW2 for ages but it took me months before I had a computer powerful enough to play it. So for a long time I could do nothing but watch beta weekend videos on Youtube. While the charr was the race that got me interested in the game, asura quickly stole my heart. One video in particular (which I sadly can’t find now) had a pale skinned, pink haired female asura warrior. And I could only think ‘wow, I want a cute pink haired girl!’ And as elementalists had already caught my interest, I knew what I wanted to play and what I wanted to her look like even before I bought the game! Sanna was made during the Lost Shores free weekend event. However, since my laptop was so old, I was getting lag in the opening cutscene and only had about 5 fps in the game itself. Unplayable. So all I could do that weekend was make more characters. I bought the special edition electronic version of the game during the Black Friday Sale and built my own PC by the beginning of December. I was over the moon to finally play a game I had been dreaming about for months and do it with a character I already loved. Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m playing it!

Sanna is lvl 80 and has become my default dungeon/fractal runner. And with my guild she never has to worry about collecting dust!