GW2 creative challenge: final write-up?



OKAY. enough of letting this sit around sad and neglected on my computer, dammit! I tried to add some prompt suggestions (in italics) to help give writers a springboard, as requested — there’s 21 prompts, and I’m too brain-fried to think of any more. if you have a suggestion, please fling it at me!

EDIT: I hadn’t intended this to be the final list, but oops! guess it is now 😀 feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions about a prompt!

list as it stands behind the cut:

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Signal boost for this. Not sure if I’ll have time to participate right yet, but wanted to spread this. 🙂 

Signal boost! I have so many stories on the back burner right now and I’m only just getting back into the game, but maybe someday I’ll tackle some of these.

30 Day Guild Wars 2 Challenge

Day 30 — Your main?
I have two mains: the two asura I have been plastering all over this blog! Aeromage Sanna was the first character I made and is my baby. Protector Tarnn is my secondary main and is Sanna’s significant other. Makes me sad that I can’t play them both at the same time. And both are working on world completion! Tarnn is at 96% done (Just need Malchor’s Leap and Cursed Shore) while Sanna is about 65%.
Well, I guess that’s the end- wait someone made The ADDITIONAL 30 Days of Guild Wars 2? BRING IT!

Random events are the best!

So I was hanging around Lion’s Arch when the map chat starts talking about a armor fashion show down by the lion statue. The guild Justice Girls [JG] was getting a bunch of players to line up and they would judge people’s outfits. I thought it would be a neat to see everyone’s armor. I just kinda stood at the end of the line, not really expecting anything.

I ended up getting third place! Netted me 1.25 gold for the Golden title fund. I was also considered the most adorable asura. :3

A charr guardian got second and a human necro got first, and they looked really awesome so I’m honored to have been considered a part of their league. And to think, if I had been somewhere else, on another toon, or just ignored map chat completely I would have missed all of that! It was just a fun unexpected event and I’m definitely going to keep my eyes open for more like that.

And for the record, this was what Sanna was wearing:


I think I’m going to miss this outfit when I get the rest of my HotW tokens.

30 Day Guild Wars 2 Challenge

Day 28 — Your favorite boss?

I’m going to start by saying that I don’t think there is a boss fight I’ve come across that I haven’t liked. I love going against some huge baddy with a ton of people. But for this, I’m going to have to say my favorite boss is the Iron Forgeman from Sorrow’s Embrace story mode. I just think it’s a really neat fight, I wish there was one or two other bosses that used the same mechanic (like in Fractals or something).

30 Day Guild Wars 2 Challenge
Day 26 — List your characters and their levels.
Oh yay I finally get an excuse to use this picture set! Obviously these are old pics, but I thought a themed set of my characters holding the coins would be really cute. Okay, so here’s the role call.
Aeromage Sanna- lvl 80
Protector Tarnn- lvl 80
Specterist Krett- lvl 30
Silencer Jyrra- lvl 31
Audioist Danni- lvl 35
Naturalist Veer- 36
Drafter Corrin- lvl 31
Enforcer Aiita- 30

“This is a VIP area only, I’m going to have to see some ID.”

Haha, I finally did it. I have been putting off buying the riding town clothes set, but I figured if I was buying the moa chick, I should just go for it. I also got the shorts too. Now Tarnn has a set of working clothes! I still have enough gems to get one of the ruffled shirts for the girls, but I think I’m going to wait in case they have anything more asian inspired for the dragon festival (Sanna needs a kimono!)

30 Day Guild Wars 2 Challenge

Day 24 — Your favorite glitch screenshot.

I don’t really take screenies of glitches, I tend to only think of it after they are fixed or I’m gone from the area. But I did get some pics from the second time I found myself in the architecture of HotW. One of the waypoints placed you under the floor and I was stuck under there to the point of needing to reload my game since the UI disappeared.

The last pic is Hodgins dead in an odd position. Not sure if it counts as a real glitch but it was funny.